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Week 32: May the 4th be with You

For teachers, the first Friday in May is a euphoric feeling. Don't misunderstand. I love each of you more than I can say, but that doesn't mean that the first Friday in May doesn't still make me smile with delight. It is a little glimmer of light to remind all of us that summer is just within our reach. In fact, in August when I was sitting in my classroom remembering all of the things I have loved and missed so much about teaching (during my four year hiatus as a reading coach), the end of April and beginning of May is what I remembered missing most. Sure, summer is great, but more than that, I thought about how I missed the closeness that May brings. After 32 weeks of being with the same group of students each day and knowing them so closely, it really does start to feel very much like a family. And here's the honest truth, I cannot recall a happier year teaching.

I have loved laughing with you and learning from you and leading you into new understandings. It has been a very, very good year, and then, I had to go and try to break out the Shakespeare- Romeo and Juliet (at that) these last few weeks. I have to tell you I was nervous, very nervous, especially after examining how few days we actually have left together, but after the background today (on the 4th), I can tell you are all going to be champs all the way to the end.

My favorite activity this week was when I had you guys write Shakespearean insults. While remotely alarmed by how quickly the insults ensued, I was equally intrigued by your ability to tackle the language with such an open mind and willingness. I hope you guys will continue to embrace the challenge as we tackle the reading next week. As always, I know it will be a memorable experience. You all make me proud every single day.

4thing You to Keep Reading Until the Last Day,

Mrs. Bell

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