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Excited about Reading

   The Radical Reader's Pledge
   This is a pledge I am asking each student to take to commit to    
   reading 20 minutes each day.  I am convinced it will change their    lives.  
What am I reading?
I am currently reading Educated, which is our teacher book club book for this month.  This nonfiction book is the memoir of Tara Westover, a girl who overcame the odds and taught herself in secret achieving a 28 on the ACT and was admitted into Brigham Young University.  She went on to earn a doctorate and also attended Harvard.  It is an amazing book that I highly recommend.  It really helps you see why reading and education is so vital in terms of growing as a learner and as a person.  It also helps you see how easy it can be to be led astray when you are born and raised in ignorance and never claw your way out.   Below is my favorite page in the novel.
Why is reading so important?  
When students read, they become autonomous
learners and are exposed to so much more than
what we can learn in 180 days.
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The above  is a list of books I read over the summer.  I set a goal to read 13 books this summer.  It took me until the very last day, but I am proud I met the goal.

"The man who does not read

good books has no advantage

over the man who cannot read them"- Twain  


“You don't have to burn books

to destroy a culture. Just get

people to stop reading them.” 

- Ray Bradbury

This is the nightstand beside my bed.  I typically read 20-30 minutes each night after my boys go to bed.  I have started each of the books on this nightstand.  I typically have 5-6 books going at one time.  It gets a little confusing.  The drawers in the stand are also full of books.  My entire house looks like Barnes and Noble. All of this to say, I do not preach something I do not practice.

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