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Week 10: No Pace like Homecoming

Homecoming week at Pace High is unlike any other. From the start, it was clear you freshmen had no idea what the week would entail. To say it was wild would be a mild understatement.

This year marked my fifteenth year of seeing students in crazy outfits and embracing the festivities associated with homecoming. I had to remind myself it was a first for you all, which, in many ways, made it all the more special for me. Seeing it through your eyes changed the landscape entirely and reminded me of why Pace is such a special place. I hope you all are seeing it too.

Fortunately for teachers, Monday was a planning day. Trying to teach during homecoming week is akin to wrestling a baby pig in a church service. You can try to keep the environment sacred, but there are a lot of distractions and a lot of squealing. Wednesday was an adjusted schedule due to the powder puff game, and Friday mostly revolved around a two hour pep rally. And no, that was not a typo. Two hours. Please pass the Excedrin.

In class Tuesday and Thursday, we spent the majority of the class period narrowing down the winners for the short story contest. You guys picked some great ones. All in all, it was a good week that made me feel super old, but super fortunate to be a part of something bigger than I am.

As teachers, we have a tendency of being short sighted in our thinking at times. All too often, we think "our" thing is the most important thing. Homecoming week always humbles me and gives me a fresh perspective about what matters most to my students. I hope they learn so much in my class, but I am under no delusions about how much they will likely forget. After all, I can remember very little about my high school freshman English class, which makes me realize there's more to a high school experience than simply learning the eight parts of speech or how to conjugate a verb. Somewhere along the way, I must have learned it, but I do not recall the specifics of when or how. However, I do vividly remember the field trips, the dress up days, my friends, graduation, prom, and the way teachers made me feel. I hope it will be the same for each of you. Above all, I hope our school and my class makes you feel at "home" for there is truly no greater place on earth.

Glad You're Here,

Mrs. Bell

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